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Vladimir Vishnevsky
in Gallery of Galleries and Artists


Vladimir Aleksandrovich Vishnevsky
Vladimir Vishnevsky (born in March 1938 in Leningrad). Russian artist, pioneer of avant-guarde engineering collage in USSR. Founder of author's style the stop-mechanics with combined use of a tree, bronze, cuper, brass and other materials. The author follows traditions futurism and Russian avant-guarde, includes elements socialist and communist metamorphose, and also engineering design. The works by Vladimir Vishnevsky represent wonderfully alloyed modernistic and surrealistic designs and, undoubtedly, are an art monument of that epoch of the man-screw in system ‘twist of nuts’, to comprehend which to the full also it is necessary. The exposition in an exhibition hall of Union of the artists was by logic and art continuation of earlier exhibitions of the author, with which the public of St.-Petersburg had an opportunity to get acquainted the last decades. Works by Vladimir Vishnevsky not bypassed by attention of criticism, private collectors, museums of Germany and USA.

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Vladimir Vishnevsky for image:
Vladimir Vishnevsky Red Army 453 453
Vladimir Vishnevsky for sale:
Beriya Moscow Bank Trotsky Atlantida Commissar Veteran Owner of Black Cottage
Change the Needle Utopia Soap Gulag Train in the Fire
Vladimir Vishnevsky for gallery of parody:
Washing the Mind Stop-Mechanic OSAVIAHIM Kin-Dza-Dza Banquet of the Thiefs

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red army by vladimir vishnevsky
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vladimir vishnevsky
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